165-Greek Myths: A Tangled Web
Four stories from Greek mythology: Arachne and Athena, Pandora's box, the great flood of the ancient Greek world, and the love story of Idas and Marpessa.
Four stories from Greek mythology: Arachne and Athena, Pandora's box, the great flood of the ancient Greek world, and the love story of Idas and Marpessa.
Four stories from Greek mythology: Arachne and Athena, Pandora's box, the great flood of the ancient Greek world, and the love story of Idas and Marpessa.
We’re back on the boat to the Trojan War and Agamemnon has a problem. It's a problem he can solve, he just doesn't want to.
The backstories of major characters in the Trojan War
Things somehow get worse for the Oedipus family
The origin story of Achilles
This is the episode. This is the episode where Helen of Sparta becomes Helen of Troy, and an event happens that launches 1000 ships toward the city in the east. This is where it all begins. The creature of the week has a dorky smile and a retainer and will absolutely eat you. -- Sponsors: Check [...]
The Trojan War started long before the Greeks sailed east.
We continue the origin stories of the Olympians
The origin stories of the Olympians