201-1001 Nights: In the Wind
We're back in the stories of 1001 nights, where Scheherazade has to tell bedtime stories to save her life.
We're back in the stories of 1001 nights, where Scheherazade has to tell bedtime stories to save her life.
We have to go deeper. Well, for Shaharazade to survive, she always has to have another level of story to go to - she always has to have another layer of protection, to keep the king interested or her story might end with the rising of the sun. Luckily the king is very [...]
Wrapping up the beginning of "Arabian Nights"
The beginning of "One Thousand and One Nights" is...troubling...
Whether it's deadly literary references, sticky cows, or extremely inappropriate eulogies, the stories of Sinbad have it all...as long as by "it all" you're looking for a story of how a rich (and, let's face it, not-so-smart) guy for whom everything pretty much always works out. It's like Mr. Magoo without the nearsightedness [...]