Myths and Legends2024-11-27T08:41:35-05:00

Fun, bizarre, insightful, and weird stories from folklore. Wednesdays.

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Chinese folklore: Broken

Two stories from Chinese folklore about broken things. A broken pot, a broken future, and how things can come together to heal. And why you shouldn't go to work drunk or else [...]

361-English folklore: In a Pickle (jar)

Two stories from English folklore about perspective, and how you can't get something for nothing, but you can absolutely get nothing for something. The creature is an outlandish, bizarre, and strange creature [...]

360-Leprechauns: Lucky

The saga of Fergus mac Léti is, apparently, the first time leprechauns make their appearance in folklore. It's also the first time leprechauns try to kill a guy, get stuck in porridge, [...]

358-Monkey King: Winded

Back in the Journey to the West where Monkey and the gang are actually having an easy time of it and WHY IS IT SO HOT? The creature is Muirbech who is [...]

357-Icelandic Folklore: Dog Days

A lost prince, a magic TARDIS barrel, and a talking dog take us to Jötunheim and back in the story of Prince Ring from Icelandic folklore. The creature is mouse deer who [...]

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Carissa Weiser


Carissa is a former audiology professor with a background in psychoacoustics, linguistics, and creative writing. She loves her family, photography, tennis season, and riding horses.

Jason Weiser


Jason is a former hospital researcher with a background in English literature and narrative theory. He's a big fan of his wife and child, hiking, Batman, and cake (the dessert, but the band's ok, too).

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