Myths and Legends2024-11-27T08:41:35-05:00

Fun, bizarre, insightful, and weird stories from folklore. Wednesdays.

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316-French Fairy Tales: Right Meow

It's the story of "The White Cat" by Madame d'Aulnoy, and in addition to questionable parenting, there are quests, dwarves that are just doing their job, evil fairies, and cat ballet.

314-Greek Myth: Baby Steps

The story from Greek mythology of how Hermes became an Olympian by killing a turtle and eating some barbecue. The creatures are the heikegani (平家蟹), that angry crab that might just be [...]

313B-1001 Nights: Night Shift

We wrap of the stories of the dervishes (and the mysterious visitors to the party who are DEFINITELY NOT the caliph and Jafar) and then the hostess and her sisters find the tables have turned...because, yes of course, they have been threatening the life of their ruler, but more so...why were they beating those dogs and weeping?

313A-1001 Nights: Party Down

A party no one can speak of under threat of death. Genie fights, wizard battles, and grocery shopping. Yes, we're back in One Thousand and One Nights.

312-Norwegian Folklore: Let’s Dance

A Norweigian tale about why you should pay your employees a living wage (or at least not beat them and try to have them executed), or else you could end up in a neverending dance party.

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Carissa Weiser


Carissa is a former audiology professor with a background in psychoacoustics, linguistics, and creative writing. She loves her family, photography, tennis season, and riding horses.

Jason Weiser


Jason is a former hospital researcher with a background in English literature and narrative theory. He's a big fan of his wife and child, hiking, Batman, and cake (the dessert, but the band's ok, too).

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