Myths and Legends2024-11-27T08:41:35-05:00

Fun, bizarre, insightful, and weird stories from folklore. Wednesdays.

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326-1001 Nights: Enough

Three brothers. One cousin...who they want to marry. It starts in a weird place this week. Three brothers are sent on a quest: the brother who brought back the strangest, coolest item [...]

325-Greek Myths: The Power of Love

Aphrodite is looking for love in all the wrong places. It's the story of where she came from, her side of her doomed marriage with Hephaestus, and how the love of her [...]

324-Samurai Legends: Violent Ends

Two young men: a wildman determined to collect 1000 swords from defeated samurai, and a displaced son of a clan leader, who had spent his childhood on the run. Together, these two [...]

323-Knights of the Round Table: Ladies’ Knight

The story of Erec and Enid from Arthurian Legend is a good illustration of why you should try to work out your problems as a couple with empathy, understanding, and communication...and not [...]

322-Norwegian Folklore: Ask Dad

Just ask dad Two Norwegian tales of asking dad. All seven of them. Who live in the same house. Or might not have a house to go back to, depending on the [...]

321B-Viking Legends: The Peacemaker

On his quest to help princess Ingigerd, Hrolf has become enslaved by the wily William, a con man who wants to be a prince. This episode, they'll come face-to-face with ghost kings, giant walruses, mythological dwarves, and the evil wizard that took down an entire kingdom.

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Carissa Weiser


Carissa is a former audiology professor with a background in psychoacoustics, linguistics, and creative writing. She loves her family, photography, tennis season, and riding horses.

Jason Weiser


Jason is a former hospital researcher with a background in English literature and narrative theory. He's a big fan of his wife and child, hiking, Batman, and cake (the dessert, but the band's ok, too).

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