76-Greek Myths: Lioness
The story of Atalanta, the Calydonian Boar, the Golden Apples, and why you shouldn't mess with Atalanta
The story of Atalanta, the Calydonian Boar, the Golden Apples, and why you shouldn't mess with Atalanta
The story of Pecos Bill is that of a true American Hero...who spends half the story naked and who legitimately thinks he is actually a coyote. But don't tell him that. He's cool and won't hurt you, but you'll get into a long discussion and won't actually convince him or his horse (named [...]
The story of Sentaro the Millionaire* and his quest to live forever
A young woman's father is taken, and she decided to go to the edges of the known world to get him back, to a faraway island harboring a dark and terrible secret.
The story of a magical sea horse! And partying! And kind of a lot of death!
The story of a magical sea horse! And partying! And kind of a lot of death!
The conclusion of the Sinbad stories. In which Sinbad concludes he is awesome.
Whether it's deadly literary references, sticky cows, or extremely inappropriate eulogies, the stories of Sinbad have it all...as long as by "it all" you're looking for a story of how a rich (and, let's face it, not-so-smart) guy for whom everything pretty much always works out. It's like Mr. Magoo without the nearsightedness [...]
A story of loss, hardship, and redemption...and then partying so hard that you forget all that loss, hardship, and redemption and need to do it all over again. Six more times.
The surprisingly brutal original story of the ugly duckling