141A-Robin Hood: Merry
The beginning of the epic tale of Robin Hood
The beginning of the epic tale of Robin Hood
If you hear her weeping, it might already be too late.
Cú Chulainn confronts a lifetime of consequences
Cú Chulainn take a trip to fairyland.
Sir Gawain and Sir Kay go on a road trip.
Dionigi wants to be a wizard.
The conclusion of the Pecos Bill tall tale.
The jig is up, the news is out, they finally found Tristan and Isolde.
Tristan and Isolde have a problem: they can't get enough of each other. After they inadvertently drank the love potion, they couldn't control their love...and it is looming like a snare, one that will destroy them and everything they love if they let it. The creature is the loup garou, from Caribbean folklore [...]
The start of the story of Tristan, Isolde, and King Mark.