
154A-Viking Legends: Family Business

By |2019-09-10T22:13:33-04:00September 10th, 2019|Categories: Episodes, Podcast|Tags: , , , |

We’re back in the Norse Sagas with witches, trolls, Norns, magic, elves, and this one-eyed wanderer who definitely isn’t named Odin but have you heard about how awesome Odin is? No? We’ll he’s happy to tell you. This is the saga of Hrolf Kraki and his twelve legendary berserkers. The creature is the [...]

150A-European Epics: King Me

By |2019-07-30T22:41:14-04:00July 30th, 2019|Categories: Episodes, Podcast|Tags: |

From the Estonian epic, the Kalevipoeg, comes the story of, well, Kalevipoeg, the son of a giant who battles sorcerers who are trying to get with his mom and throws rocks the size of Volkswagens to win the kingship, all while trying to carve out a place in the world for his people [...]

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