164A-Chinese Legends: Here I Go Again
The legend of the white snake
The legend of the white snake
The wonderfully ridiculous and surprisingly human original story of Hansel and Gretel
47 warriors lead one of the greatest (true) revenge stories ever told.
The stories of a lost dumpling and two young people finding love among the ashes.
On our annual Halloween special, it's a supposedly true story of a string of killings from something lurking in the dark forest
The story of the fictional protagonist that you never knew you hated.
We’re back on the boat to the Trojan War and Agamemnon has a problem. It's a problem he can solve, he just doesn't want to.
Jack is back and ready to do what he does best, and who is along for the ride? King Arthur's teenage son.
The stories of Costanza/Costanzo, the youngest daughter of the king of Thebes, who sets out to find her way in the world, and Molly Whuppie, the young orphan girl who battled giants.
Two examples of terrible parenting from the fairy tales of Scandinavia and Naples