177D-Trojan War: Horsin’ Around
The Greeks find a way into Troy
The Greeks find a way into Troy
The Greeks finally find a way into Troy and while, yes, it's exactly the way you think they get in, there are so many ridiculous side quests on the way, including a cameo from one of Greek myth's most famous hero. The creature is nice unicorn who will play music for you and definitely won't eat [...]
Achilles is back and it's god vs. god, Greek vs. Trojan, Achilles vs. Hector in the most epic battle of the Trojan War. The creature this week, the Seto taishō, will absolutely come after you with a sharpened spoon. His weakness? Light kicks. http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/mythpodcast/MaL_Ep177C.mp3 Music: “Watercool Quiet” by Blue [...]
The battle continues over the sacred city of Troy
“Sing, O muse, of the rage of Achilles, son of Peleus, that brought countless ills upon the Achaeans.”
Three stories from the Danish fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen about people that are matchless
Thor’s daughter is getting married to a dwarf, and Thor is the last person to find out about it. This should go well.
The legend of Sir Isumbras (and why you don't mess with unicorns)
Fortune favors the bold. Or people willing to put up with a terrible decade. Or the best liars.
The story of the master thief from Norway.