186-Grimm: Don’t Be Weird
A story from the Grimm brothers about three down-on-their-luck soldiers who get everything they could ever dream of and then do their absolute best to lose it.
A story from the Grimm brothers about three down-on-their-luck soldiers who get everything they could ever dream of and then do their absolute best to lose it.
The story of Eglė the Queen of Serpents, from Lithuanian folklore, about a young woman who is faced with an impossible choice: witness the destruction of her family...or marry a snake.
Robin Hood and his merry men are throwing a dinner party! With food and wine! And robbery!
The story of an ancient Indian king who goes on a fetch quest through an evil-looking cemetery and listens to the worst podcasts of all time...hosted by a ghoul he has slung over his shoulder, and if he doesn't pay attention, he could die. The creature is a crow-grasshopper who will make you [...]
Join Bulat the Brave Companion and Ivan Tsarevich (no, not that one) as they get a magical new horse, escape magical prison, and get in some magical fights.
Two kings just want to bro out. That isn't happening, and the people in their lives will start a war to ensure that.
The first branch of the Mabinogion, the epic collection of Welsh legends.
The story from Azorean folklore about a sorcerer who turned his life around and became a priest...and then his old life came hunting for him.
A classic quest with princesses, dragons, wizards, dragons fighting wizards, and princesses fighting wizards fighting dragons.
An episode about the Tanuki, the notorious raccoon-dog trickster from Japan with giant...well...you'll see. The creature is the Tote Road Shagamaw, and a ManBearMoose who is really good at headstands. Like, it can walk a quarter mile doing a headstand. http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/mythpodcast/MaL_ep178.mp3 Music: “Lina my Queen” by Blue Dot Sessions [...]