
276-Swiss Horror: Along Came a Spider

By |2022-06-22T01:30:11-04:00June 22nd, 2022|Categories: Episodes, Podcast|

An adaptation of a Swiss horror novella "The Black Spider" by author Jeremias Gotthelf (AKA Albert Bitzius), about a town with a knight problem, so they make a deal with a very suspicious man to help them in their time of need. The creature is the Kanbari nyūdō, that creepy hairy guy watching [...]

274-European Folklore: Murky

By |2022-06-07T23:01:09-04:00June 7th, 2022|Categories: Episodes, Podcast|Tags: , |

Two stories from Eastern Europe where we see why mythological water monsters aren't a great way to discipline your kids. On the second, if a wizard is mumbling something outside your house, you're in for a bad time unless you talk to a witch. The creatures are the Devil's Dandy Dogs! They're not [...]

271-Korean Folklore: A Friend in Need

By |2022-05-17T23:02:09-04:00May 17th, 2022|Categories: Episodes, Podcast|Tags: |

Three stories of people helping people from Korea, including helpful monsters, deadly Pictionary, and why you should shove strangers down hills. The creature is the Glashtin, a creature with sticky hands, but in the murdery way and not the stealy way or ice creamy way. -- Sonoro and Nextpod (that's us!) present Mitos [...]

267-Dragons: The Horse and his Boy

By |2022-04-19T21:18:49-04:00April 19th, 2022|Categories: Episodes, Podcast|Tags: |

A story of believing in yourself and finding your own way in the world...by imitating Pokemon and Hodor and wearing flashy suits from your best friend's stone safehouse. From a story from what's now Czech Republic and Slovakia, called "Prince Bayaya." Coming to a garden near you, the creature is the Jidra, from [...]

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