Member Post

58-Native American Folklore: Monster (ad-free)

By |2017-01-25T00:17:26-05:00January 25th, 2017|Categories: Member Post|

The first story today is from the Mik'maq, Passamaquoddy, and Maliseet people, about all the things that can go wrong when creating the animals and why you shouldn't drink gross monster waste water. The second story is about Monster Skunk farting everyone to death because this is a serious podcast that takes itself very seriously. The [...]

56-Nepali Folklore: Hope You Guess My Name (ad-free)

By |2017-01-11T10:59:19-05:00January 11th, 2017|Categories: Member Post|

A story of a young woman from Nepal who has a (sadly) common problem for folklore, but a very uncommon solution. Also she eats goat vomit. She probably doesn't enjoy it, though. The creature this time is the Habetrot, and she'll make you want to wear stone glasses...and them promptly throw them down in horror and [...]

55-Grimm: My (Bird) Heart Will Go On (ad-free)

By |2017-01-03T16:15:45-05:00January 3rd, 2017|Categories: Member Post|

This story from the Grimm brothers has giants, witches, magical animal organs, enchanted produce, and a helpful (and maybe a little homicidal) cloud buddy who just wants to aid you in finding the next steps on the journey that is life. This story is bizarre and wonderful and a testament to the endurance of love and [...]

54C-Gilgamesh: Dust (ad-free)

By |2018-03-15T14:42:22-04:00December 27th, 2016|Categories: Member Post|Tags: , , , , |

The end of the saga of Gilgamesh...and possibly the end of Gilgamesh, but not if the demi-god has anything to say about it. After a tragic loss, Gilgamesh goes on a quest to defeat mankind's greatest enemy - death itself, and he learns the secrets of our destructive past. The creature this week slathers his naked [...]

54B-Gilgamesh: Huge (ad-free)

By |2016-12-21T00:42:44-05:00December 21st, 2016|Categories: Member Post|

Gilgamesh and his new best friend are heading out on an adventure to fight a firebreathing giant named "Hugeness the Terrible." Also there's a giant deadly bull fight, talk of zombies, some tiny shoes, and light hand-holding. If those things don't make you want to listen to this episode I can't think of anything else that would. [...]

53-African Folklore: Crocodile Tears (ad-free)

By |2016-12-07T01:42:05-05:00December 7th, 2016|Categories: Member Post|

The story of a dragon slayer from South Africa has, of course, dragons, but it also has giant towers, underwater villages, and a frog who is just trying to have a nice dinner with his family without all the insults, thank you very much. The creature this week is the world-famous Leprechaun. You should definitely not [...]

52-Greek Mythology: An Eternal Flame (ad-free)

By |2016-11-30T01:03:58-05:00November 30th, 2016|Categories: Member Post|

Two love stories from Greek mythology...because those go so well. The first is the story of Narcissus and Echo, which was doomed from the moment one jumped out of the bushes at the other for a non-consensual hug. The second story is of Orpheus and Eurydice. Orpheus takes the (non-death) early retirement option from his heroics [...]

Member Episode 14: Cat Lady

By |2016-12-11T06:00:17-05:00November 25th, 2016|Categories: Member Post|

I don't want to give away too much, but this is about an elderly old woman who lives alone with her cat. Also, she consumes an unhealthy amount of cabbage soup. The creature is hairy and naked (no surprises there), but you don't get to be horrified by this because one look will kill you. Sorry.

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