Member Post

73-Japanese Folklore: I will find you (ad-free)

By |2017-06-27T19:20:38-04:00June 27th, 2017|Categories: Member Post|

A young woman's father is taken, and she decided to go to the edges of the known world to get him back, to a faraway island harboring a dark and terrible secret. The creature this week is skunk ape! He's 0% skunk, 0% ape, and 100% into stealing your produce. Sponsors: Carvana: now you can buy [...]

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71B-Sinbad: Snake Eyes (ad-free)

By |2017-06-06T21:53:12-04:00June 6th, 2017|Categories: Member Post|

Whether it's deadly literary references, sticky cows, or extremely inappropriate eulogies, the stories of Sinbad have it long as by "it all" you're looking for a story of how a rich (and, let's face it, not-so-smart) guy for whom everything pretty much always works out. It's like Mr. Magoo without the nearsightedness and with much, [...]

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71A-Sinbad the Sailor: Venture (ad-free)

By |2017-05-30T22:09:33-04:00May 30th, 2017|Categories: Member Post|

Sinbad (no, not that Sinbad) is probably the 3rd most famous story from a collection titled "One Thousand and One Nights". It's a story of loss, hardship, and redemption...and then partying so hard that you forget all that loss, hardship, and redemption and need to do it all over again. Six more times. On the plus side, [...]

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Member episode 20-Native American Folklore: Your Friendly Neighborhood Iktomi

By |2017-05-26T08:01:05-04:00May 26th, 2017|Categories: Member Post|

Today's story is about a man who is also a spider. A spider....person... from Native American folklore. I'm not sure if trademark law prohibits me from describing an anthropomorphic male spider in the most succinct terms, but we're going to be safe. Anyway, Iktomi does whatever a spider can, and also a few things a spider [...]

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69-Midas: You Got the Touch! (ad-free)

By |2017-05-16T21:25:23-04:00May 16th, 2017|Categories: Member Post|

Don't, under any circumstances, trust the Midas touch. The king of unforced errors, Midas is a well-known figure in mythology mainly because of horrible decision making and lack of foresight. They say any publicity is good publicity, and I hope that is the case for Midas, who took a bad choice and used it to propel himself to everlasting notoriety. [...]

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68B-Morgan le Fay: Her Majesty (ad-free)

By |2017-05-09T19:19:18-04:00May 9th, 2017|Categories: Member Post|

Wrapping up this two-part series on Morgan le Fay, we'll see her devious schemes within schemes come to fruition with one aim in mind: killing King Arthur and seizing the throne for herself. The creature this week is fish man, from Spain. He's kind of like a superhero if all superheroes did was lay around and [...]

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