Member Post

100B-Knights of the Round Table: Family Reunion

By |2018-02-21T04:33:19-05:00February 21st, 2018|Categories: Member Post|Tags: , , , |

Things get weird this week. The knights continue their quests through the Country of Strange Adventure, and the side-quests becomes the main quest as the knights get involved with: Bad breakups Vengeance Dragons eating dogs eating stags Death choirs Elderly women looking for a good time Church decorations Way too much more Also, were you wondering [...]

100-Knights of the Round Table: Buddy System (ad-free)

By |2018-02-14T01:01:31-05:00February 14th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

  Yvain and Gawain are just two best friends taking a fun trip together. Nevermind that they've been exiled from Camelot forever, making it a mandatory best friends vacation. It sparks the beginning of a yearlong quest filled with morbid church decorations, dragon diets consisting solely of puppies, and sad, creepy knights. Basically your standard Arthurian [...]

99-William Tell: One Shot (ad-free)

By |2018-02-07T03:11:21-05:00February 7th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

The story of William Tell is so much more than an arrow and an apple. It's the story of a reluctant hero, a tyrannical ruler, and why you shouldn't let your prisoners drive the vehicle you're using to take them to prison. The creature this week is the cockatrice, and if you see a frog keeping [...]

97-Jack and the Beanstalk: Sleeping Giant (ad-free)

By |2018-01-17T00:46:22-05:00January 24th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

I feel pretty confident saying that this episode is the most fun you'll have listening to a story about child murder and cannibalism. Jack of Jack and the beanstalk fame is a hero who's...not really a hero. He's a lazy teenager who's kind of stupid. It's ok, though, because he keeps running into a kind ogre [...]

96-Russian Folklore: Cold as Ice (ad-free)

By |2018-01-17T00:33:01-05:00January 17th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

Two vastly different stories of children made from snow. The first is one where the king is called on to solve some dating issues...but then discovers something far colder is at play. The second is the completely real story of a totally legitimately born snow child and what do you mean you don't think he's real? [...]

95B-Irish Legends: Finn the Human (ad-free)

By |2018-01-09T21:59:06-05:00January 10th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

  A giant otherworldly monster that shoots fire from its mouth. The treacherous chief that killed his father. A super-smart fish dinner. These are just some of the things that Finn MacCool has to deal with as we wrap up the first part of his story and see how he comes to terms with his father's [...]

95A-Irish Legends: Wanted (ad-free)

By |2018-01-03T03:00:25-05:00January 3rd, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

  If I could have just re-named myself in grade school, it probably would have been Finn MacCool. I mean, yeah, that's only an English transcription and it's actually spelled Fionn mac Cumhaill and it doesn't really mean "Cool guy named Finn" but, loosely, "Fair one who is the son of Cumhaill" but, you know, details. [...]

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