Member Post

112B-Pinocchio: Nosey

By |2018-06-19T20:46:49-04:00June 19th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

I wouldn't really call Pinocchio ill-fated. That implies that it's undeserved, and it's definitely not. The little guy lies like it's a second language. Regardless, a lot happens to our little buddy in this episode, starting with him coming back from the dead. The creature this week is the Hai Ho Shang, a vicious merman from [...]

112A-Pinocchio: No Strings Attached (ad-free)

By |2018-06-12T23:24:58-04:00June 12th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

Prison. Assassins. Marionette dance parties. The original story of Pinocchio has it all. Of course, you know of Pinocchio and Geppetto, but did you know that Geppetto, in order to get the wood to make Pinocchio, had to chew on an old man's wig? Or that the original story had a shockingly brutal end, even for [...]

111-Thumbelina: Sweet Summer Child (ad-free)

By |2018-06-06T00:23:43-04:00June 6th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

Thumbelina's life is already difficult. She lives in early modern Denmark and is no bigger than her mom's thumb. Oh, and also, everyone wants to marry her. And by everyone, I mean everyone. Frog moms want her to marry their sons and, somehow, the story gets stranger from there. In true Hans Christian Andersen fashion, this [...]

110-Viking Myths: Alone (ad-free)

By |2018-05-29T23:36:51-04:00May 29th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

Odin. Jotunheim. Shin Tinder. We're (basically) back in Norse mythology with the legendary story of Hadingus, a Viking king that hates being king. We'll visit nearly half of the worlds in Norse mythology as we follow a spectacularly bad ancient Norse hero. The creature this time is a way to get superpowers...if you ever wanted to [...]

Member Episode 32-Gingerbread Man: Can’t Catch Me

By |2018-05-25T21:49:24-04:00May 25th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

It's not the Gingerbread Man. It's a better story of talking food that takes off when someone tries to eat it...which is pretty much always. It's the story of Pancake Boy. The creature is a demon that just wants you to try and kill him. Needless to say, please don't do it. Music: "Coin Op" by [...]

108-Tom Thumb: Thumbs Up (ad-free)

By |2018-05-15T20:44:54-04:00May 15th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

Tom Thumb is the story of a guy named Tom...who is as big as his dad's thumb. A practical joke by a wizard, Tom went on to become Sir Thomas Thumb, the greatest knight in the realm, but not before becoming indigestion for a giant, a raven's canker sore, and exploring all the thrilling intricacies of [...]

107B-Golem: To Dust You Shall Return (ad-free)

By |2018-05-08T23:02:57-04:00May 8th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

It's quiet. Too quiet. It has been years since the last blood libel and the Jewish community in Prague is starting to relax. Then, the Maharal receives a sign from God a few days before Passover, letting him know that the danger is far from over. On the creature of the week, if you can't take [...]

107A-Golem: Guardian (ad-free)

By |2018-05-01T21:53:15-04:00May 1st, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

In 16th century Prague, a people are under attack. Accused of an unspeakable crime they didn't commit, they have no recourse: even the rulers of the city have turned against them. They can't find justice, so they have to make justice - a silent guardian to watch over their community, one to keep the wolves at [...]

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