Member Post

Member Episode 37-Grimm: The Devil’s Playthings

By |2018-10-26T21:21:15-04:00October 26th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

The story of a man who gets very stinky for a very large amount of money...and finds love in the process. The creature is a bolt of cloth that might be your new favorite hat/best friend...or your murderer, depending on its opinion of you. Music: "Parade Shoes" by Blue Dot Sessions

125-Norse Mythology: Bound (ad-free)

By |2018-10-23T22:25:30-04:00October 23rd, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

We're back in Norse Mythology. It's set before Ragnarok (obviously), and it's a story we never got to of Freyja, Odin, Loki, and four dwarves. Freyja makes a lot of new friends, and Loki gets completely out of control at a party and tells all the Aesir exactly what he thinks of them. The creature of [...]

124-Greek Mythology: The Fall (ad-free)

By |2018-10-16T23:07:40-04:00October 16th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

Theseus has had a long and storied life, but now he faces his greatest challenge: after you've accomplished everything you set out to do and your name will live on for generations, what comes next? The creature is the, impundulu environmentally-conscience bird who only uses alternative fuels for its tiny plane. Unfortunally, the alternative fuel is [...]

123-Dark Tower: Directions (ad-free)

By |2018-10-09T21:29:22-04:00October 9th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

A game turns dark as a child disappears. Her brothers must follow her into a land that's like a mirror image of our own to get her back from the king who lives in the dark tower. Oh and also Merlin is barely any help at all. The creature this time is the ilomba, from Zambia, [...]

122-Indian Folklore: Let it Be (ad-free)

By |2018-10-03T00:10:29-04:00October 3rd, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

A king fighting against fate. A young man surviving the impossible. A hermit reading the future from his toilet. This week, it's the long road to becoming who you were always meant to be. -- Sponsor: LinkedIn: Go to and get $50 off your first job post. -- Fictional Check out Fictional at or by [...]

121-Grimm Brothers: King of the Mountain (ad-free)

By |2018-09-25T22:24:09-04:00September 25th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

A man loses everything except for his children and his field, but it's while he's in that field with his children that he receives a visit from a mythological creature...and makes a deal that will change all of their lives forever. The creature of the week is a mythpodcat! She just loves to dance! And set [...]

119-Sleeping Beauty: Rude Awakening (ad-free)

By |2018-09-07T12:38:45-04:00September 4th, 2018|Categories: Member Post|

**Note: this is a different episode than episode 1 of the member podcast. I completely re-did it. It's the first written version of Sleeping Beauty, put down to paper in the 1600s by the Neapolitan writer Giambattista Basile. And it's horrifying.   The creature is elephant rat. It's an elephant whose also a rat sometimes. No [...]

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