Member Post

175-Thor: Surprises (ad-free)

By |2020-03-04T11:12:18-05:00March 4th, 2020|Categories: Member Post|

Thor’s daughter is getting married to a dwarf, and Thor is the last person to find out about it. Also he punted a dwarf onto a burning ship for fun at his brother’s funeral, so things might get awkward. The creature is the Segbin, and it’s a smelly goat that bites. Don’t worry though, it doesn’t [...]

174-Medieval Knights: Take Your Time (ad-free)

By |2020-02-26T00:00:13-05:00February 25th, 2020|Categories: Member Post|

The story of Sir Isumbras, a knight from the high Middle Ages, includes talking birds, epic battles, unicorns, and a quest for redemption where the redemption includes the knight's participation in the crusades... The creature is the sealah (pronounced SHE-la), a genie that just wants to go out dancing and get dinner...and by that it means [...]

172-Norwegian Folklore: Adventure! (ad-free)

By |2020-02-11T23:18:43-05:00February 11th, 2020|Categories: Member Post|

The story of the master thief, from Norwegian folklore, which will have you wondering what the difference is between a master thief and someone who exploits the laziness and ignorance of strangers in incredibly basic ways for their own gain. Also, being a good parent apparently means abandoning your kid in the forest? The creature this [...]

171-Indian Folklore: Love and Marriage (ad-free)

By |2020-02-05T00:09:22-05:00February 4th, 2020|Categories: Member Post|

Three stories of love from India. The first is what happens when a prostitute and a thief try to build a life together. The second is what happens when a barber gets to ask a king for anything. The third is about a man who saves a mouse...and what happens when that mouse wants to get [...]

Member episode 47-Pied Piper: Exposure

By |2020-01-17T10:57:11-05:00January 17th, 2020|Categories: Member Post|

Two stories of the pied piper of Hamelin and the reason why you should pay your workers. The creauture is the sandhill perch. It's a sand perch, not a sandtrout. One is a sandy fish, the other is a sandy fish that takes the Kwizatz Haderach on the 3,500 year-long golden path.

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