Member Post

264-Korean Folklore: On the Mountainside (ad-free)

By |2022-03-29T22:05:58-04:00March 29th, 2022|Categories: Member Post|

Five stories from Korean folklore all woven together to tell a grand narrative of the lives of normal people (and animals...and trees) on a mountainside in medieval Korea. The creature is the Iara, from Brazil, a vampire mermaid who isn't thrilled to be a vampire mermaid but hey, it was the best her fish friends could [...]

263-Celtic Folklore: You Can’t Take it With You (ad-free)

By |2022-03-21T05:09:45-04:00March 22nd, 2022|Categories: Member Post|

Three stories of things worth more than gold from Slavic, Celtic, and Chinese folklore. Also, why you shouldn't eat gold (it will literally kill you), why you should dig into that road cake early on, and why you should remember where you put stuff before getting the authorities involved. The creature is a cow's stomach with [...]

262-Japanese Folklore: Fatal Attraction (ad-free)

By |2022-03-15T21:07:20-04:00March 15th, 2022|Categories: Member Post|

Three stories from Japan about love gone wrong. On the first, the fairest youth in all the land is set to marry the daughter of a rich noble. The problem? His father kind of oversold his looks... On the second, we'll see why moths and other nighttime bugs go toward the light, and on the third, [...]

261-Jewish Folklore: Mirror, Mirror (ad-free)

By |2022-03-08T21:36:04-05:00March 8th, 2022|Categories: Member Post|

Two stories of King David's magic mirror. One actually involves a folklore version of the Biblical king facing off against an enemy from his past...and maybe turning into a balloon? The second involves a rabbi, a murderous sorcerer, and a magic battle dinner party. The creature is what happens when you stay too long as a [...]

260-Norse Sagas: Norse Code (ad-free)

By |2022-03-01T22:41:04-05:00March 1st, 2022|Categories: Member Post|

Heidrek the wise...was not actually all that wise. He took ownership of a cursed sword for one. He also got in a riddle battle with Odin, which is never a good idea. In fact, if you want to be wise, it might be a good idea to just look at Heidrek's life, and do the opposite. [...]

239-Egyptian Folklore: Butter (ad-free)

By |2022-02-22T20:59:06-05:00February 22nd, 2022|Categories: Member Post|

NEW SHOW NEW SHOW! We have a new show out. We've partnered with Kast media to make a history podcast called Scoundrel: History's Forgotten Villains. Carissa and I host it and we really think you'll love it. Please check it out here: -- This story has a little bit of everything: genies, sorcerers, insecure kings, [...]

257-Chinese Folklore: Love Me, Love Me (ad-free)

By |2022-02-08T23:47:46-05:00February 8th, 2022|Categories: Member Post|

Two stories from Chinese folklore about love, loss, and marrying all sorts of things you shouldn't be marrying, like ghosts and livestock! The creature is a sleazy alligator man who's looking for love* in all the wrong places** -- Links: Cereal Killer: Store: Membership: -- Music: All music by Blue Dot Sessions -- [...]

256-Indian Folklore: Tiger Mom (ad-free)

By |2022-02-01T21:10:50-05:00February 1st, 2022|Categories: Member Post|

A story about why you shouldn't give your children to the first person who shows up at your door who's definitely not a tiger what are you talking about if anything they're so human that you might be the tiger. Ever thought of that? That you might be a tiger? Hm. Something to consider before you go around accusing people (who are definitely people!) of being tigers (which they're not!)

254-Spanish Folklore: Ready or Not (ad-free)

By |2022-01-18T20:45:58-05:00January 18th, 2022|Categories: Member Post|

A story from Spanish folklore of three brothers, a crafting competition, a smelly Trojan parrot, and a lesson that it's never too late to start on the Hero's Journey. I mean, you might end up in jail, but it's still inspiring? The creature this week is the Gohonga, a creature that will take your child, educate [...]

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