Member Post

322-Norwegian Folklore: Ask Dad (ad-free)

By |2023-06-14T10:09:56-04:00June 13th, 2023|Categories: Member Post|

Just ask dad Two Norwegian tales of asking dad. All seven of them. Who live in the same house. Or might not have a house to go back to, depending on the story. The creature is the orc! It is both different from the Lord of the Rings orc and very currently a problem! Storage Soles: [...]

321B-Viking Legends: The Peacemaker (ad-free)

By |2023-06-06T23:08:09-04:00June 6th, 2023|Categories: Member Post|

On his quest to help princess Ingigerd, Hrolf has become enslaved by the wily William, a con man who wants to be a prince. This episode, they'll come face-to-face with ghost kings, giant walruses, mythological dwarves, and the evil wizard that took down an entire kingdom. The creature is Biron (びろ~ん)! He's a little gross and [...]

Member Episode 84-Armenian Folklore: A Fool and His Money

By |2023-06-03T00:25:25-04:00June 3rd, 2023|Categories: Member Post|

A young man goes out to search for his luck, because all the bad things that have been happening to him lately are definitely not the result of his poor decisions and unwillingness to learn or grow at all. The creature is the Achlis, a deer who's special because it's extremely killable. Music: "Waiting at Dawn" [...]

321A-Viking Legends: Mostly Harmless (ad-free)

By |2023-05-30T23:46:48-04:00May 30th, 2023|Categories: Member Post|

This week, it's the Saga of Göngu-Hrolf, from Icelandic folklore. It starts with a king getting one, solitary, five-foot-long, apparently super attractive hair wrapped in a scarf...and only gets better from there. There are evil wizards belching (yes, belching) fire and poison, somber Vikings getting conned, and a deadly honeypot zombie trap for any heroes who [...]

320B-Popol Vuh: The Boys (ad-free)

By |2023-05-25T07:44:06-04:00May 23rd, 2023|Categories: Member Post|

The hero twins will rise and then fall. The underworld calls, and the mosters of their past comes back to haunt them. The creature is the Obda, from Mari folklore. Yet another hairy naked man who lives in the forest. Who want to tickle you. Membership: Alligator (warning, skinned alligator): Sponsor: Canva: Collaborate with [...]

320A-Popol Vuh: Origin Story (ad-free)

By |2023-05-16T22:59:18-04:00May 16th, 2023|Categories: Member Post|

In the beginning, the gods apparently had an undo button. And angry tortilla griddles that took out the first humans. Today, it's the beginning of the beginning in the Popol Vuh. We'll meet a macaw who thinks he's the son, a metal band lineup of underworld beings, and see the birth of the hero twins, who [...]

319-Indian folklore: Tricks and Illusions (ad-free)

By |2023-05-09T23:00:44-04:00May 9th, 2023|Categories: Member Post|

Can you beat fate? Subramanya has learned something terrible about two people who are practically siblings to him. Can he use his deep wisdom to beat the life that's laid out before them? The creature is maneki-neko, the waving cat, and we'll see how cats can be very lucky...if they can be bothered to help you [...]

Greek Mythology: Sad Lad (ad-free)

By |2023-05-02T22:58:28-04:00May 2nd, 2023|Categories: Member Post|

Hephaestus has his day Who is the smith god of Olympus? Why is he married to Aphrodite, and why can't he catch a break? This week, it's all about Hephaestus and his journey of self discovery where he (hopefully) doesn't fall off a mountain. Again. The creature is the Sea Hare. It's a hare that lives [...]

317-Monkey King: Make it Rain (ad-free)

By |2023-04-25T23:29:23-04:00April 25th, 2023|Categories: Member Post|

We're back in the story of the Monkey King, and monkey finds a noble new calling: freeing enslaved monks. Does this noble calling include the ignoble murdering of his enemies and/or tricking them into drinking his urine? Yes. Yes it does. The creature is the Stcemqestcint, the stinky naked man watching you in the forest. Extended [...]

316-French Fairy Tales: Right Meow (ad-free)

By |2023-04-18T22:16:15-04:00April 18th, 2023|Categories: Member Post|

It's the story of "The White Cat" by Madame d'Aulnoy, and in addition to questionable parenting, there are quests, dwarves that are just doing their job, evil fairies, and cat ballet. What happens when you see something you can't live without? A thing you desire so strongly that you can't stop thinking about it. Do you [...]

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