
About Jason Weiser

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So far Jason Weiser has created 1039 blog entries.

327-French Fairy Tales: Sister, Sister (ad-free)

By |2023-07-19T07:03:29-04:00July 18th, 2023|Categories: Member Post|

The story of Finette Cendron is like a greatest hits of fairy tales. A tale of betrayal, sisters, ogres, bad poetry, and haircuts, we see three sisters brave the wilds and everything the fairy tale world can throw at them, to make things right. The creature is Cutty Soams! He'll cut your soams...if he's not a [...]

326-1001 Nights: Enough

By |2023-07-11T23:16:07-04:00July 11th, 2023|Categories: Episodes, Podcast|Tags: |

Three brothers. One cousin...who they want to marry. It starts in a weird place this week. Three brothers are sent on a quest: the brother who brought back the strangest, coolest item would get to marry her. A story with magic carpets, genies, fairies, and a man who can wrap his mustache around [...]

326-1001 Nights: Enough (ad-free)

By |2023-07-11T23:05:18-04:00July 11th, 2023|Categories: Member Post|

Three brothers. One cousin...who they want to marry. It starts in a weird place this week. Three brothers are sent on a quest: the brother who brought back the strangest, coolest item would get to marry her. A story with magic carpets, genies, fairies, and a man who can wrap his mustache around his head, we [...]

325-Greek Myths: The Power of Love (ad-free)

By |2023-07-05T01:18:53-04:00July 5th, 2023|Categories: MythPodcast|

Aphrodite is looking for love in all the wrong places. It's the story of where she came from, her side of her doomed marriage with Hephaestus, and how the love of her very, very long life was a tree baby. The creature is Buffardello, a small, bearded fairy from Italy with many, many weird hobbies. Links: [...]

Member Episode 85-Norse legends: Say Your Prayers

By |2023-07-01T08:39:40-04:00July 1st, 2023|Categories: MythPodcast|

The story of King Olaf (but not that King Olaf), a man who survived multiple assassination attempts, evil trolls, wizards, a trip from Odin, and who might just be returning someday (to hopefully not drown us all!) The creatures this time are Italian fairies, and we'll learn how the wind is a creep and that if [...]

324-Samurai Legends: Violent Ends (ad-free)

By |2023-06-27T23:13:53-04:00June 27th, 2023|Categories: Member Post|

Two young men: a wildman determined to collect 1000 swords from defeated samurai, and a displaced son of a clan leader, who had spent his childhood on the run. Together, these two would find their place in the world, and change it in the process. The creatures are the Keltémas and Kazna Peri, and they just [...]

323-Knights of the Round Table: Ladies’ Knight

By |2023-06-21T00:14:51-04:00June 21st, 2023|Categories: Episodes, Podcast|Tags: , |

The story of Erec and Enid from Arthurian Legend is a good illustration of why you should try to work out your problems as a couple with empathy, understanding, and communication...and not through a deadly quest filled with pointless, brutal combat. The creatures are the Elephant Men, the strange visitors you get when [...]

323-Knights of the Round Table: Ladies’ Knight (ad-free)

By |2023-06-21T00:19:17-04:00June 21st, 2023|Categories: Member Post|Tags: , |

The story of Erec and Enid from Arthurian Legend is a good illustration of why you should try to work out your problems as a couple with empathy, understanding, and communication...and not through a deadly quest filled with pointless, brutal combat. The creatures are the Elephant Men, the strange visitors you get when you're drinking whiskey [...]

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