The end of the saga of Gilgamesh...and possibly the end of Gilgamesh, but not if the demi-god has anything to say about it. After a tragic loss, Gilgamesh goes on a quest to defeat mankind's greatest enemy - death itself, and he learns the secrets of our destructive past.
The creature this week slathers his naked body in mud and twigs. Hows that for juxtaposition?
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"Seasong" by Jelsonic | "The Terrerium" by Blue Dot Sessions | "Sunbeam" by Podington Bear | "Holding Hands" by Podington Bear | "Pacing" by Blue Dot Sessions | "Neil Takes Two" by Blue Dot Sessions | "Lead Shroud" by Blue Dot Session | "Epiphany" by Podington Bear | "Dry Air" by Podington Bear | "Studie I" by Jahzzar | "There's a Special Place for some People" by Chris Zabriskie
Loot Crate! Check out (offer code: LEGENDS) for the awesome antihero box.
Blue Apron!
Love these, made it possible for me to do my english homework and play Fallout at the same time. However I would like to note that this episode isn’t tagged like the previous two making it more difficult to find from a simple google search.
Hi jason, I was talking to my dad about the story of Gilgamesh, and he said when he read it he remembered a drum and drumsticks which Gilgamesh dropped in to the nether world through a hole in his kitchen (or something similar) ? It’s probably another variation of the epic, like you mentioned in 54A. Also thank you for making this podcast, it gives me something to look forward every Wednesday, and I really enjoy hearing all the tales from different cultures across the world.