The story of Fatima is a long one with many twists and turns. There are genies, evil wizards, massive battles, and a world-wide trek to make sure evil pays for its crimes, but at the center is Fatima, a woman who won't back down no matter the opposition, and who always stands for what she knows is right.

The creature is a hairy naked man (another one!) but you actually might want to make this one your friend.


The Tale of Princess Fatima, Warrior Woman
The Warrior Women of Islam
The Arabian Epic, Heroic and Oral Storytelling Volume 3
Rejected Princesses


Tedukedo by Chad Crouch
Pytarevubu by Chad Crouch
Lead Shroud by Blue Dot Sessions
Hills by Chad Crouch
Wren Language by Blue Dot Sessions
Dolly and Pad by Blue Dot Sessions
Amaranthus by Chad Crouch


Bombas makes the season comfy with socks, tees, and underwear that feel good and do good: and use code: legends

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An instance of marital rape, where a husband drugs a woman he married against her will and rapes her while she is unconscious. We basically skip the entire event (there's nothing explicit), but she becomes pregnant so we had to keep it in the story and not just mention it and move on.