Romulus and Remus are finally striking out on their own, and what could go wrong with two seventeen year olds starting their own city when they are accompanied by a band of outlaws and they have too many weapons and not enough leadership experience and no one taught them how to share? Everything? Did you say everything? Because everything going wrong is the exact right answer.
The creature this week is Sir worm, AKA the Minhocão from Brazilian folklore, who likes to wear armor, eat horses, and make scientists get into fights.
“True Blue Sky” by Blue Dot Sessions
“Opus 9-2” by Chad Crouch
“Ink” by Chad Crouch
“Lollygag” by Chad Crouch
Go to and use the code LEGENDS to get 10% off plus free shipping.
I’m just proving a point here (my friend pointed out that it could also be getting your nose right next to a cat’s mouth, and I got really mad because I really, really love cats)- cats are only mean if they were raised badly. My cats are both so docile, they let me literally cradle them in my arms exactly like a human baby, and they have only scratched me once each- once, when I was pulling my Russian Blue, Silverbelle, out from under my trundle bed (a trundle bed is a normal bed with a roll-out bed of the same size underneath it, so it can be stored), and she was stuck and I was stupid, kept pulling, it hurt her, and I blame myself. The other time, I was holding my cat and my mother slammed a cabinet in the room right next to me., so… I still have scars from both of these, but I really don’t blame my cats for it.
Also, what is the website button for?