There is someone that isn't happy that the family of Zeus and Hera is sitting on Olympus. Well, there are many people that aren't happy about it. Actually most people except for Zeus and his family aren't thrilled about it. Even then, they all kind of hate each other.
Regardless, someone finally comes along to do something about Zeus and his ilk. Someone from their past...and she's coming with an army that has the ability to finally put an end to the Olympians once and for all.
The creature this time is a jacked angry unicorn with fabulous hair.
"Tumult" by Kai Engel
"Periculum" by Kai Engel
"Tumbler" by Podington Bear
"Jackbird" by Blue Dot Sessions
"The Black Frame" by Rolemusic
If you have time, please go to and take a quick survey. It would be a massive help for me and Myths and Legends. Thank you!
Brief mention of rape and the battle scenes get a bit intense. Probably nothing worse than PG-13 (a character gets an arm ripped off, another skinned, and others are killed in increasingly creative ways).
Thanks for this :) loved the story
HERCULES is a ROMAN name. it should be HERA-CLES.
Yeah, I know. It’s a choice I made in the first Heracles episode and I’ve stuck with it to have everything stay consistent. This must be one of the few Heracles episodes where I didn’t mention it.